AMERICAN MOTORCYCLING                     July 1962  


Enduro Riders of Ohio

Reprint of an article about the first Baby Burr from the May 1958 edition of  American Motorcycling Magazine

"Little Burr Run" Puts Finishing Touch to First 250 Mile National

Ohio Ready and Waiting Arrival of Entries for May 31st

Lincoln Baird Executive Secretary Enduro Riders Association, Inc.

Come the Decoration Day weekend, May 31, 1958, around 4:00 A.M. a lot of sleepy fellows will be getting into their riding clothes for the start of a 250 mile national championship Endurance Run - the first 250-miler ever granted by theAMA. The event is being sponsored by the Enduro Riders Association Inc, of Columbus, Ohio.

The name "Little Burr Run" was chosen from over 100 suggested names received in a contest by the sponsors that put
the finishing touch to this long desired national event. The winner Maude Legg of Point Pleasant, N.J. who gave the
meaning of her title as it is "a sticker."
No matter what type of relaxation you may seek , there's nothing quite like the exitement around the starting line of an
enduro, awaiting your turn for the start of the sheer enjoyment that lies ahead in the winding trails of creek, wood and
dale - especially when you're squaring off against the nation's best in quest for a national championship title.
Ever since the announcement a few weeks ago that entry blanks were printed and available, the mails to Ohio have been
bearing a steady stream of applications. In fact the thought, if not the works of a one-day 250 mile national enduro, swept
like brush-fire as entries have been requested from California, Oregon, Wisconsin, New York and Georgia just to mention
a few of the 12 states that have already planned to be represented in the initial running of what should be a superb and
exciting weekend of fun for every enduro enthusiast.
The Enduro Riders Assn. takes this opportunity to welcome each and every rider to this national event which hope will be long remembered as one of the nation's top classics.
The Hocking Valley area in which most of the run will be in is the most  scenic landscape in the Buckeye State. You'll marvel at the beauty along some of the old stage coach trails, logging trails and canal beds which this run will take in as they are really sights of beauty in springtime.
The sponsoring group wishes to make one thing clear, and that is, the run will be rideable. Nothing impossible, unless by an act of God.
The run is being laid out for both solo and sidecar. However, every eager-beaver (who finishes) will have been a busy rider by the time he's finished trodding the circuit.
It has always been this organizations policy to encourage the beginner as well as the veteran rider. This is one of the principles of this association and another is to help and promote better endurance runs for all concerned.
Quarterbacking the layout of the run is Ray Morris (president of the Enduro Riders Association) Les Parker, Bill Carpenter, Tom Scholl and Mick
Kemmerling, Ohio's District Referee Joe Gee will be the official run referee. An excellent and very capable crew with years of experience.
There will be five motor size classes consisting of both A and B Class riders which are:
         Motors 0 to 200cc
         -201 to 350cc
        -351 to 500cc
        -501 to 750cc
        -751 and OVER

Sidecar (Servi-cars, and Sidecars with power driven thrid wheel prohibited) Girls Powder Puff (if six or more entries.)

As for the spectator, a card will be printed with the most interesting places to see and you can go anytime at any one of the spectator spots.

STARTING TIME: 6:01 A.M.  Saturday, May 31st

ENTRIES; Entries close May 17th. No entry will be accepted without entry fee of $8.00 per person. LIMITED TO FIRST 400 ENTRIES. ALL OTHERS WILL BE RETURNED.

ROUTE CARDS; Time will be printed on our route card, so you won't have to worry about figuring time on your card. (Instant Route Cards)

STARTING POSITIONS; Each rider's number will be drawn according to postmark of entry. Numbers will be drawn for each rider on May 24th and placed in an evelope with Route Card, etc. and can be picked up at the starting point Friday, May 30th. None will be mailed. Depending upon number of entries riders will leave starting line in either pairs, three's or four's with Nos.1, 101, 202, 301 leaving first, etc.

BREAKFAST; Light breakfast will be served at the starting point, at a nominal fee.

GAS: Gas and Oil available at starting line.

SAFETY:  Safety has always been an outstanding feature which has always come first in laying out and marking of all runs by this assocation. It has been their aim to protect the rider from any injury (and from costly repair damage to his bike as well) and they have spared little effort to mark the course for your protection. Markers marked "DANGER" heed these warnings.

SPORTSMANSHIP; Always wear a smile on your face; be cooperative with officials and your fellow riders. Show others you can smile in defeat as well as victory.

"PEP": is a recommendation suggested to all, which was coined from a phrase in a speech by  E.C. Smith attending the Enduro Riders Association annual banquet, when he announced that this group has been awarded this national championship enduro date after applying for it for five straight years "PEP" as he puts it stands for "Persistent Effort Pays" and with that we suggest you get a good nights rest the night before so you'll have plenty of "PEP" the next moring that will see you through the run from start to finish.

Good luck to all and may the best man win.