Enduro Riders of Ohio is a nonprofit enduro motorcycle club based in southeast Ohio. We support the local community by donating to charities including Vinton County food bank, churches, 4-H clubs, senior citizens associations and high school scholarships.
ERO is an American Motorcycle Association chartered club since 1947 hosting enduros and dual sports in southeast Ohio.
A critical component of our organization is the support provided by volunteers who help with the preparation for the race. Needed are off-road motorcycle enthusiasts who can help layout trails, clear brush, hang/remove arrows and assist at check-in tables.
For more information on volunteer opportunities: contact us


Enduro Riders of Ohio is pleased to announce that it has named Dan Bowles as it's new President.
Dan, a retired Army and Marine Corp veteran, lives in Wilkesville, Ohio with his wife Melissa and two stepchildren.
ERO welcomes Dan and is grateful for his commitment to the organization.

Four wheels move your body........two wheels move your soul